Thread subject: :: Interesting heteroptera (?) from Romania

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 26-05-2010 13:52

date: 24.05.2010

Posted by libor on 26-05-2010 14:01

I would say Empicoris culiciformis or any related taxon. Libor

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-05-2010 14:06

Berytidae. Compare with Gampsocoris punctipes at http://www.britis...tipes.html. The details in the image are not ufficient for me to be certain about the genus, but it should at least be subfamily Metacanthinae.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-05-2010 14:08

Empicoris are even more slender, longer-legged and do not have a more or less clubbed antennae.

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 26-05-2010 18:43

Thanks for the info, I will collect some specimen and send to a romanian biologist for identification.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-03-2011 12:48

With the limited key I have I identified two specimens as Gampsocoris culicinus. Deposited at the Maastricht Natural History Museum (NHMM).

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 26-03-2011 19:07

Paul Beuk wrote:
With the limited key I have I identified two specimens as Gampsocoris culicinus. Deposited at the Maastricht Natural History Museum (NHMM).

So you find some heteroptera specimens in the samples ? This was not intended, but I am happy because the specimens have a name now :D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-03-2011 00:43

Yup, there were two of them. Since they were there I could not resist the temptation to identify them.