Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus? Venustrus?

Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:47

Wild guess, could it be D. vensustrus? Is it Dasysyrphus at all?
Yesterday 17 may on buttercup in my garden. 40 km NV Stockholm, Sweden.

Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:49


Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:49


Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:50


Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:51


Posted by amaira on 18-05-2010 14:52


Posted by Gerard Pennards on 23-05-2010 20:40

Yes, it's Dasysyrphus venustris with a black facial stripe!

Posted by amaira on 23-05-2010 22:03

Thankyou Gerard!!