Thread subject: :: Conops quadrifasciatus

Posted by Susan R Walter on 19-08-2006 17:06

I think all the evidence points to this being Conops quadrifasciatus, but I know nothing about Conopids, so would like some reassurance. Also, is it female? Photo taken today in an east London cemetery park, fly about 12mm head to tail.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 19-08-2006 17:08

Dorsal view

Posted by Susan R Walter on 19-08-2006 17:09

And her little smiling face

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-08-2006 20:08

I'd say he was a Conops quadrifasciatus. The females have much more pronounced genitalia (unlike most other flies - it can all get very confusing! ;))

Edited by Tony Irwin on 19-08-2006 20:10

Posted by Susan R Walter on 19-08-2006 20:43

Many thanks Tony:)