Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus albostriatus

Posted by nick upton on 12-05-2010 23:34

Can anyone confirm this is Dasysyrphus albostriatus. I think it is, but I'm losing confidence with Syrphidae and fear there may be a lookalike I'm unaware of requiring complex microscopy to separate it from..!

Wiltshire, southwest UK 10.5.10

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 13-05-2010 11:53

Confirmed, a female...

Posted by nick upton on 13-05-2010 12:50

Many thanks. Two out of two Hoverflies correctly identified in one day... a record for me I think. I really should stick to the easy ones in future... but I always want to know what is in my garden and am building up quite a list of confirmed/ likely IDs.