Thread subject: :: two flies for iD if possible

Posted by Toby on 12-05-2010 21:16

don't know if this is a sepsidae, it was displaying and briefly attracted interest, around 3mm

and this bristly fly about 4mm, both SW London near river Thames

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-05-2010 21:39

As they are unrelated you had better put them in different threads.

Top one: Saltella sphondylii. Bottom one is tachinid...

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 12-05-2010 22:06

Top one is Piophilidae, maybe Allopiophila luteata.
The second one is Gastrolepta anthracina if I'm not wrong.

Posted by Sundew on 12-05-2010 22:07

Let me try: tachinid might be Gastrolepta anthracina. Hope the experts won't laugh too much...

Posted by Sundew on 12-05-2010 22:08

Stephane was a bit faster :D! Had the same idea, however, so I feel better.

Edited by Sundew on 12-05-2010 22:10

Posted by Toby on 12-05-2010 22:10

got to page 7 of the Tachinidae gallery when received email that the bottom picture is Medina collaris (page 14) which looks a good match.

Posted by Toby on 12-05-2010 22:16

Sundew wrote:
Let me try: tachinid might be Gastrolepta anthracina. Hope the experts won't laugh too much...

well that looks similar too (p.9) so now i await final judgment...

Posted by Sundew on 12-05-2010 22:26

The dusting of the thorax is more like Gastrolepta than Medina. Medina's antennae also look a bit bigger. However, Theo or Chris will have the final decision!

Posted by ChrisR on 12-05-2010 23:01

I don't see many around here but my first idea was Gastrolepta anthracina :)