Thread subject: :: Small metallic fly, zigzag wing veins..

Posted by nick upton on 11-05-2010 23:57

I have no idea what family this small fly belongs to. The wing veins look odd to my untrained eyes. Can anyone help identify it at least to family?

c 5mm Wiltshire southwest UK 11.5.10

Posted by nick upton on 11-05-2010 23:58

Profile view:

Posted by nick upton on 11-05-2010 23:58

Head view:

Posted by pwalter on 12-05-2010 00:03

The most common species of this family are not metallic, however they have quite the same anatomy :)

Posted by nick upton on 12-05-2010 00:05

OK, thanks, but WHICH family??!

Posted by Steve Pelikan on 12-05-2010 01:32

NickU wrote:
OK, thanks, but WHICH family??!

I'm guessing Walter meant family Syrphidae (Hoverfly family).

Posted by tim worfolk on 12-05-2010 06:33

Eumerus, almost certainly strigatus.


Posted by pwalter on 12-05-2010 09:18

NickU wrote:
OK, thanks, but WHICH family??!

Check the red letters :)

Regards, Walter

Posted by nick upton on 12-05-2010 12:02

OK, thanks Walter. How very clever... I must get better at noticing easy morphological aids to identification... I should also know by now that any fly I'm not sure of is usually a hoverfly... and thanks Tim for narrowing it to Eumerus, it looks just right for that, though maybe a microscope would be needed to be sure of the species. If strigatus is very common, though, that's probably right!