Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae, Lasiomma?

Posted by cyprinoid on 08-05-2010 21:37


Posted by cyprinoid on 08-05-2010 21:37


Posted by cyprinoid on 08-05-2010 21:38


Posted by javanerkelens on 08-05-2010 22:12

Indeed Lasiomma ! (you are going good Hakon!....and Key is coming up!)
But is species possible..
I see that prealar is shorter and eyes are haired....but then i have a little problem...
On midtibia we can see a ad seta and a pd seta, but we also can see two other setae almost at the same place as the pd seta.
When i look at my own species those posterior hairs can be very confusing about position.....are they all pd setae or is there one pd and two strong posterior setea (more in pv position)
There is no mention about it in the key.....
When i have a look at your nice sharp midtibia....i would say....1pd and the other two setae are more in pv position.....
And it would is a Lasiomma picipes!

I hope you could follow me...:D


Edited by javanerkelens on 08-05-2010 22:13

Posted by cyprinoid on 08-05-2010 22:41

Thank you Joke!

Yes I can follow, but it will be some time before I can make those observations and nail the species myself.

Edited by cyprinoid on 08-05-2010 22:41