Thread subject: :: Phasia barbifrons

Posted by conopid on 18-08-2006 15:53

I think I have a Phasia barbifrons, caught in Shropshire on 14 August, flying with numbers of Phasia pusilla. The photo shows hairs outside the bristles on the parafrontalia. My specimen also has yellow halteres and all the other (P Pusilla) specimens I took have dark halteres. Is this likely to be P barbifrons?

Edited by conopid on 18-08-2006 16:03

Posted by Zeegers on 18-08-2006 17:04

Hi Nigel.

Congratulations. Not likely, but 100 %
(that is, if this is a 3 mm. small Phasia with clear wings and no dusting on abdomen, which i cannot see on the picture).


Posted by ChrisR on 18-08-2006 22:25

Do you have a grid reference for that sighting? :D

Posted by conopid on 18-08-2006 22:59

Hi Chris,
I have all the details and will forward them to you. The site is in south Shropshire, near Bridgnorth. I have quite a few records for various species for you, which I'll put on a spreadsheet very soon and e mail to you. :)


PS _ There are some more malaise trap tachinids in the post to you today.

Edited by conopid on 18-08-2006 23:00

Posted by ChrisR on 19-08-2006 00:06

That sounds great - might be the most northerly record for barbifrons so far :D

I got the last lot of tachs thanks - I will get around to IDing them later when the season is over :)