Thread subject: :: Stratiomyidae mating -Beris vallata?

Posted by nick upton on 06-05-2010 10:44

Can anyone say for sure what species these soldierflies are, photographed mating and after separating? The spiky thorax and wing patterning/ body colour etc seem similar to Beris vallata images I have seen, but there may be some more definitive characters I'm missing...

Wiltshire, southwest UK 5.5.10

Posted by nick upton on 06-05-2010 10:44

The female, after separating..

Posted by tim worfolk on 06-05-2010 13:07

Hi Nick, not vallata, that has an orange abdomen, which would show through the wings. This is either morrisii or chalybata with all yellow femur and tibia; wide frons on the female suggests chalybata.


Posted by tim worfolk on 06-05-2010 13:08

I should add that the black hairs on the male's thorax also indicate chalybata.


Posted by nick upton on 06-05-2010 13:17

OK, many thanks Tim for the pointers to the key details. Yes, B. chalybata looks just right. At least I got quite close!