Thread subject: :: little black one - Pipiza?

Posted by Sundew on 04-05-2010 15:25

Some days ago I saw this little black syrphid. I suppose it is a Pipiza and thus undeterminable to species level. Any better ideas?
Many thanks, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 04-05-2010 15:27

Posted by Andre on 05-05-2010 19:54

You are close: Pipizella. Look at the antenna: they are on an almost 'flat' frons. While those of Pipiza grow from a cone-shaped elevation (forgive me my poor english).

Posted by Sundew on 05-05-2010 21:51

I see! I shall keep that difference in frons shape in mind. And don't apologize for your English - what you say is always so helpful, and it is absolutely understandable. Therefore to me it's simply GREAT!