Posted by Stephen on 14-05-2005 12:31
Found on the trunk of a tree. Is this a March Fly, Bibionidae?
Any help with ID would be appreciated!
Posted by Gerard Pennards on 14-05-2005 14:19
Hello Stephen,
No, this is not a Bibionidae.
It is a syrphid in the genus Brachypalpus.
This is a female, because the eyes are not touching on top of the head!
Posted by Gerard Pennards on 16-05-2005 08:51
From the characters of Brachypalpus I will name some which are more or less visible in the picture. The head of Brachypalpus is triangular in anterior view, in comparison with closely related Xylota, which have a elliptic head.
The first flagellomere of the antenna is more or less kidney shaped, wider than long. Hind femur greatly enlarged and arcuate.
In fact, this animal can be identified as a female of Brachypalpus oarus I think, because its lower margin of the face is not produced forward beyond level of base of antenna! In the picture it might look as if it is, but that is the angle of view!
Edited by Gerard Pennards on 16-05-2005 08:52
Posted by Stephen on 16-05-2005 13:04
Thank-you Gerard! I learned a lot from your answer. Thanks for the ID!