Thread subject: :: Bombylius discolor??

Posted by nick upton on 23-04-2010 22:56

I took this photo of a Beefly in my garden today sunning itself in late afternoon sunshine. There have been many B. major around recently, but I knew this one was different with its spotty wings and the white marks in a line on the abdomen. Could it be Bombylius discolor?? I read that this species is nationally scarce in the UK, so maybe my photo is of something more common but similar looking.? OR is B. discolor making a comeback?

Wiltshire, southwest UK 23.4.10

Nick Upton

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 23-04-2010 23:16

Bombylius discolor (female)

Posted by nick upton on 23-04-2010 23:43

OK, many thanks Jorge. I just checked and this species has been recorded a few times in my county in recent years, but another insect website suggested records be sent in to recording societies as is considered scarce, so maybe I'll do that.