Thread subject: :: Identification

Posted by John Webley on 14-08-2006 20:45

Your help in identifying this would be appreciated. Probably obvious but not in my books.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-08-2006 20:55

Hi John -
Any chance of posting an enlarged picture of this fly? - they don't have to be posted life-size! ;)

Posted by John Webley on 14-08-2006 21:37

Sorry. Hopefully got it right this time.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-08-2006 22:16

Hi John.
I think it is Muscidae.
Among Muscidae I know two possibility with all yellow-red body
Phaonia pallida
Thricops diaphanus
Could you give size, place and date?

Posted by John Webley on 14-08-2006 22:26

Hi Nikita,
Thanks. Photo taken yesterday in Kent, UK. Size about the same as a housefly.

Posted by John Webley on 15-08-2006 09:12

Sending a larger image which will hopefully help.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-08-2006 11:10

I'm sorry John, but I haven't enought knowledge to answer you. May be it is Phaonia pallida of Muscidae, but I can't exclude some Anthomyiidae, like Pegomyia.
May be somebody knows and will answer someday. May be nobody can give name on fly on your photo (in some cases nobody can so far, even if you have collected fly!). If so, send another photo and you'll get name.
P.S. As a small compensation I can give you sex - your fly is female.

Posted by John Webley on 15-08-2006 11:22

Nikita, Thanks anyway for trying. Much appreciated. John

Posted by Tony Irwin on 15-08-2006 11:50

Hi John
Thanks for posting the larger image - makes all the difference!
As Nikita suspected, it's a Phaonia pallida female. There are other all-orange muscoids, but your photo shows enough detail of the bristles to exclude them.

Posted by John Webley on 15-08-2006 13:44

Tony. Thanks a lot for your help. John