Thread subject: :: Lotophila atra?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 00:27

This fly was seen at Scatsta Airport last night on bags of salt/grit. I've looked through the Gallery and it seems to tick all the boxes on Lotophila atra. Anyone confirm, or are there others that look the same. Size was 4mm ish.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 00:29

Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 00:27


Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 00:28

Last one.

Posted by tim worfolk on 12-04-2010 06:08

Hi Roger, apologies for jumping in but I thought I had one of these a couple of weeks ago -


no takers so far though.



Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 06:19

Apologies Tim ? That's the whole idea about this forum...jumping in. :) Seems that not enough people do jump in, and just leave it to the usual suspects. Anyway..tell you what...I'll confirm yours, if you confirm mine....Can't be fairer than does that sound ;)
On the other hand, someone will maybe confirm them BOTH...PLEASE. :)

Regards anticipation

Edited by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 06:19

Posted by tim worfolk on 12-04-2010 07:09

Roger I'd be happy to confirm yours, and perhaps we could do a swap with some more of our unidentifieds? Just tell me what you want them to be....I've got a few Scathophagids that no-one seems to want to go near, maybe it's the smell!



Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 08:41

Hi Tim with regard to looks and smell, it's all a matter of taste.
Which is a bit like the old Cheech and Chong sketch with a Russian Officer and a Conscript trekking through the snow when they come across what looks like dog shit. The Officer asks the Conscript " What's that"? The Conscript says "It looks like dog shit" to which the Officer replies "Smell" the Conscript smells it and says "Smells like dog shit" to which the Officer retorts "Taste" the Conscript tastes it and says.."Tastes like dog shit".
The Officer then says..."Good job we didn't step in it"

So as we have only looks to go on with our fly, I reckon Lotophila cf.atra is the best we are going to get. Unless of course someone knows better. Any Russian Conscripts out there?

Now that has to be the longest winded reply to a thread since Jorge was a boy :)

Regards for a week and heading for bed ( The Supreme Being is Knackered) :P

Edited by Roger Thomason on 12-04-2010 08:54