Thread subject: :: one tachinid more

Posted by Petr Michael on 08-04-2010 15:22

This species is resting on birch trunk - 5mm long only. The photo was taken in East Bohemia,
CZ, 3rd of April, 2010, edge of deciduous forest. Absolutely unknown for me...
I am sending the second photo in order to see its head better.

Posted by ChrisR on 09-04-2010 10:43

This photo looks a bit contrasy (caused by the dark fly against a white background) so the fly is probably a bit darker than it was in life. I'm guessing Lypha dubia for this one :)

Posted by Petr Michael on 09-04-2010 13:22

Thanks Chris,
I compared the face of Lypha dubia on the " Dimitry Gavrushin 2007 photo No 13801 " in "Tachinid Recording Scheme" of UK tachinids and I have found the differences mainly
as for the character of bristle rows between the frontal stripe and eye: as you can see
on my photo (I enclose it once more) there are 3-(4) rows of tiny black "spots" downwards.
Furthermore the 3rd segment of antennae is dissimilar. Well, I am taken aback...
The problem, however, must go on! Thanks once more Petr

Posted by Zeegers on 09-04-2010 19:54

Petr convinced me

Alternative: Blepharomyia spec. (given the width of vertex, must be male Bl. pagana)


Posted by Jaakko on 11-04-2010 21:37

B. pagana males have very characteristic round antennae, too bad that the profile does not show well. I can't really see the downward curving bristle combs on the cheeks either... To my memory Blepharomya also have bare eyes?? I would still vote for L. dubia...

Posted by Petr Michael on 12-04-2010 12:22

I - as unfamiliar with Tachinidae - am always very glad to have got correct identification. Never-
theless the differencies - mentioned above (#3) - are, I think, noticeable. Are the bristles arrangement and the form of 3rd anntena segment - on my photo (enclosed the magnification) - still in accord with a characteristics of Lypha dubia? Thank you for confirmation. Petr Michael

Posted by Petr Michael on 12-04-2010 12:34

I apologize for mistake!!!
I enclose the photo Petr

Posted by Jaakko on 12-04-2010 14:44

I think that the bristles you see in the picture are still frontal bristles, which in L. dubia reach quite down. Attached a picture of B. pagana face (a male), where the downward curved bristles reach all the way down the face.

Edited by Jaakko on 12-04-2010 14:46