Thread subject: :: Ephy [Notiphila caudata]

Posted by ekhohe on 04-04-2010 17:12

Anything from this?
Lappeenranta, Finland, 11.9.2008, more photo´s, not collected.

Edited by ekhohe on 05-04-2010 16:32

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-04-2010 18:38

Notiphila sp.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-04-2010 21:16

Notiphila caudata or Dichaeta caudata female - Whether Dichaeta is a subgenus of Notiphila or a good genus in its own right - opinions differ!

Posted by ekhohe on 05-04-2010 16:32

Thanks Jorge and Tony. Notiphila caudata in Finnish list.