Thread subject: :: First Syrphid 2010 (02.04.10) --> cf. Melangyna lasiopthalma

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-04-2010 22:48


Normally, Eristalis tenax and Episyrphus balteatus are the first Syrphidae here (northwest Germany), often in March. But after the last harsh winter they are still absent this year. So the first Syrphid I found was this 7-8 mm fly today on Anemone nemorosa at the forest. Is it Melangyna quadrimaculata? Unfortunately I only have this single photo.

(P.S.: Also the first Tachinid (Gymnochaeta viridis) here today at 11 °C and a cold wind. Normally Campylochaeta praecox and Kirbya moerens are earlier.)

Edited by Juergen Peters on 09-04-2010 18:00

Posted by Andre on 09-04-2010 11:37

It looks like a Melangyna, but not quadrimaculata. Maybe lasiophthalma. But the pic is really insufficient I am afraid (for me at least).

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-04-2010 12:51

I also think it's M. lasiopthalma...

Posted by Juergen Peters on 09-04-2010 17:59

Gerard Pennards wrote:
I also think it's M. lasiopthalma...

Many thanks, Andre and Gerard!