Thread subject: :: Volucella bombylans?

Posted by Josef Buecker on 02-04-2010 15:53

Hello Forum,
who can help with this very bumble bee like syrphid? Hagen, NRW, Germany, alder marshland, 175msm, on the bark of a Fraxinus excelsior tree, March 30th 2010,
Another guess: Criorhina ranunculi?
Best regards,

Edited by Josef Buecker on 02-04-2010 16:18

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 02-04-2010 16:21

Criorhina ranunculi!


Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 03-04-2010 11:48

Hello evrey one,

I also think Criorhina ranunculi female, the tip of the abdomen may be white or orange and larvae are macrophages, microorganisms filter feeders, like other genres Myolepta-Ferdinandea-Callicera-Ceriana-Xylota-Sphiximorpha.

beautiful photo !

Best wishes