Thread subject: :: internet Conopidae keys modernized

Posted by Mark van Veen on 01-04-2010 12:32

I have recently modernized my keys for the Conopidae of Northwestern Europe on internet. The scientific names are now on par with the latest publications and I have added missing species. Slowly, I am adding southern European species too. The Conopidae section of the gallery here is a great help to visualize those species I have no direct access to!

See the keys on Conopidae of Northwest Europe.


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 01-04-2010 12:50

Nice! To me it lacks to see in the field Leopoldius and Melanosoma in that list. But we also have Abrachyglossum, Myopotta. Check here my small conopid gallery

Posted by Mark van Veen on 01-04-2010 19:21

...working on the keys... I find that Physocephala lacera is inadequately distinguished from Physocephala pusilla in the key I have.

Same question for P. truncata, which is not separated from P. chrysorrhoea in the keys I have.

I assume Chvala (1961) keys them out, but I do not have that key at hand. Does anyone have it? What does it say on these species pairs?


PS Myopotta is in the Melanosoma key, Abrachyglossum in the Leopoldius key.

Edited by Mark van Veen on 01-04-2010 19:23

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 01-04-2010 20:28

From Chvala:

3 (2) Small species, 5-8mm…………………………..pusilla (Meig.)
Larger species 10-12 mm………………………. lacera (Meig.)
5 (4) - Face with two narrow black stripes along the facial keel. First aristal segment small (fig. 25), the dark wing band does not reach up to the end of cell R2…………………………………………………... truncata (Loew)
- Face entirely yellow, first aristal segment obviously extended (fig. 26). dark wing band occupies the whole cell R2. . .. . . . .. chrysorrhoea (Meig.)

BTW I just caught a new species of conopid for the Netherlands last year near Amsterdam: Leopoldius valvatus......
Wil be published in NFM (a Dutch magazine)

Posted by Mark van Veen on 01-04-2010 22:30

you're great!

L. valvatus is an amazing catch, congratulations. Stuke and Van Eck already mention a L. valvatus from the collection in, I think, tilburg. Interesting!! And yet another species I have to work in my keys :-)
