Thread subject: :: try again: Acantholeria cineraria

Posted by rvanderweele on 27-03-2010 20:53

Good evening,

again a bad photo of a Heleomyzidae. I think this time it indeed truely an Acantholeria cineraria female.

It has been collected in France ion 27-vii-1980 in the Alps at an altitude of 1530m in a malaise trap.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-03-2010 21:07

here the photos...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-03-2010 21:08

and the other photo

Posted by Andrzej on 27-03-2010 21:14

look like Acantholeria ;)

Posted by rvanderweele on 27-03-2010 21:19

Under the microscope the end of the abdomen is indeed very typical. It is absolutely not so nice on my terrible photo. As far as I know the genus has not been recorded from France yet. The label says Aile. France . Etes Alpes. It doesn't mean much to me!

Posted by Andrzej on 27-03-2010 21:28

It is not yet published but recorded (a species was here ID as A. vockerothi , see at: A paper is in preparation). The species you pinned could be A. cineraria op A. dentitibia !

Edited by Andrzej on 27-03-2010 21:29

Posted by rvanderweele on 27-03-2010 21:33

My key, from Laci Papp, can't separate the females of the two species. Also with Czerny it is impossible. Can you?

Posted by pierred on 28-03-2010 08:16

rvanderweele wrote:
The label says Aile. France . Etes Alpes. It doesn't mean much to me!

Etes Alpes should be read Htes Alpes (Hautes Alpes, 05). I don't know any spot named Aile, but there is a chemin de l'Aigle in 05200 Orres.

Posted by rvanderweele on 28-03-2010 09:58

Pierre, thanks a lot for your message. Possibly or rather likely you are right with the Htes Alpes. I will check it later today!

Posted by rvanderweele on 28-03-2010 13:36

Pierre, you were right, it is Htes Alpes. I checked it. And the label says more: Aile Froide (??)
