Thread subject: :: Any ideas on this hoverfly?

Posted by LordV on 11-08-2006 06:06

Taken Yesterday South coast uk, about 9mm body length.
BTW is this the correct forum or shoud it be in the Syrphid forum?
It was being very brave as the potentilla bush was being patrolled by many specimens of Syritta pipiens which seems to like dive bombing invaders
Thanks Brian V.

Edited by LordV on 11-08-2006 06:08

Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-08-2006 07:23

It is a Eumerus. Someone with more experience may tell you the species. ;)

Posted by Tony Irwin on 11-08-2006 09:47

Hi Brian. Tough call. Either strigatus or funeralis. Have you got any side views?

Posted by LordV on 11-08-2006 10:39

Thanks Paul and Tony :)
here's a couple more shots with more of a side view.

Brian V.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 11-08-2006 14:32

The rounded third antennal segment, well-dusted frons and shorter antero-ventral hairs on the basal half of the hind femora all point to funeralis. Nice photos!

Edited by Tony Irwin on 11-08-2006 14:32

Posted by LordV on 12-08-2006 09:06

Thanks Tony for the compliment and ID
Brian V.