Thread subject: :: Desert Syrphid, Odd Behavior

Posted by Stephen on 09-08-2006 15:39

This Syrphid was photographed in Mescalero Sands, New Mexico, USA. The date was 6 May 2006.

The fly was behaving oddly, flying while in contact with the sand, its side against the sand (and I think at one point was even upside down).

Was this just a fly that was losing its ability to fly, from old age or an accident? Scratching an itch? Removing parasites? These are all wild guesses, obviously.

Oh yes, and what kind of Syrphid?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted by Stephen on 09-08-2006 15:41

Here's a second view.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-08-2006 16:54

Hello Stephen,
This is a male of Eupeodes volucris, very easily recognised by the cone shaped abdominal segment at the end of the abdomen.
Some pictures of this species are also in bugguide.
It's behaviour tells me that it was probably dying. Sometimes you find flies which can't fly anymore and are just buzzing around a bit lying on the ground, like you sometimes find them inside the house on the windows.