Thread subject: :: Heteroptera from Turkey

Posted by Cesa on 15-03-2010 12:33

This small bug with very large head found yesterday under Verbascum plant in debris in East Turkey. Could anybody identifies this?
Thanks a lot.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-03-2010 14:37

Miridae. Don't have the appropriate books here to go further.

Posted by Cesa on 15-03-2010 18:02

I came myself to the conclusion that this is a Geocoris species in the family Lygaeidae. However, I need a confirmation and further ID.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-03-2010 22:24

Ah, yes, Geocoris s.l. is correct. If had had my books I'd have checked it and I would have seen I was thinking of the wrong family name. :S

Posted by Heteropteran on 08-01-2015 13:23

Yes it is a Geocoris species.It is Geocoris luridus.
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Posted by Heteropteran on 02-02-2015 16:32

I am really sorry.It is always hard to follow all the new articles.I said it is G.luridus but I knew that it didn't fit with this specimen.Other Geocoris species known from Turkey weren't similar at all.So I said the most similar species:Geocoris luridus.
A few hours ago I found a really new article which was published in June 2014.In that study there were found about 14 new Heteroptera species for the Heteroptera fauna of Turkey.One of them is a Geocoris which fits exactly with yours.It is Geocoris putonianus.If we look on the bright side,you had found Geocoris putonianus in 2010,4 years ago!!!