Thread subject: :: Sphecomyia vespiformis

Posted by NakaRB on 07-03-2010 15:59

Moscow region, 21.06.2009

Edited by NakaRB on 07-03-2010 20:57

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 07-03-2010 16:51

Yes. Sphecomyia vespiformis!!!!
Very nice. I'm envious:@

Posted by NakaRB on 07-03-2010 20:57

Thank you! Is it a rare species?

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 07-03-2010 21:40

In Poland we have 3 or 4 specimens from north eastern part of country. I don't know in Russia.


Edited by Lukasz Mielczarek on 07-03-2010 21:42

Posted by NakaRB on 07-03-2010 22:15

I have met this specimen for the first time last year. The Internet says that in the northwest of Russia this species is in Red book too. What situation in central regions - it is not clear.

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 07-03-2010 22:27

I planning the expedition on Siberia in may-june and I have big hope to meet this great species :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-03-2010 00:45

Hope you do. ;) If you don't, mak certain you colelct all those nice empids they have there. :D

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 08-03-2010 13:41

Hello everyone,

It is indeed a beautiful syrphid fly by my house I have ever seen ! How lucky you !B)

Posted by Andre on 08-03-2010 16:15

Paul Beuk wrote:
Hope you do. ;) If you don't, mak certain you colelct all those nice empids they have there. :D

Which reminds me... Have you finished identifying the Empids from Portugal that I gave you?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-03-2010 17:07

Good idea to have a look at those again. :)

Posted by Andre on 08-03-2010 17:08

Thanks! :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-03-2010 17:50

The box is next to the microscope now and I again wonder why people cannot collect all in alcohol. It makes nearly all the features of empids so much better visible. It does not let all males look like Methuselah: shrivelled genitalia.

So a kind request: everyone who collects empids: store them in alcohol. It is easier to extract them from alcohol that to restore shrivelled specimens to full bloom.

By the way: There is at least E. tessellata, E. femorata, E. punctata and R. crassirostris. And there are some interesting looking Morroccan Empis.

Posted by Andre on 08-03-2010 20:07

Maybe worth some publication somewhere :) Keep me posted by email when you are ready.