Thread subject: :: Spanish Syrphid -> Eupeodes luniger

Posted by pat_der2003 on 04-03-2010 20:42

Sierra Morena, north Andalucia, February 24 2010.

is it possible to get the Genus and may be more with this picture ?

Edited by pat_der2003 on 06-03-2010 12:25

Posted by Andre on 05-03-2010 17:10

By the look of it, this is Scaeva albomaculata, male.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 05-03-2010 17:23

More likely Eupeodes, looks like E. lunger male!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-03-2010 17:54

Hehe, by the looks of it I am not the only one who occasionally screws up in syrphids. ;)

Posted by Roger Thomason on 05-03-2010 18:42

Gerard Pennards wrote:
More likely Eupeodes, looks like E. lunger male!

Would that be any relation to E.luniger

Ultra-pedantically Roger :P

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 06-03-2010 10:23


Posted by pat_der2003 on 06-03-2010 11:34

Many thanks !! :)

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 06-03-2010 19:54

Hello evrey one,

ultimately what is it ? le genus Eupeodes or Scaeva ?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-03-2010 21:00


Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 07-03-2010 17:17

Thanks Paul