Thread subject: :: Sorting Syrphids

Posted by Stephen on 07-08-2006 11:38

Seems like a lot of Syrphid genera have this type of marking: Syrphus, Eupeodes, Epistrophe, Didea, and undoubtedly others.

Working with on-line images, I think this may be Eupeodes. It looks to me that genus Syrphus is similar, but the abdomen of Eupeodes is typically margined in black as mine is.

Have I got this right? This is a USA specimen, by the way: West Virginia. Photographed July 9.

Posted by conopid on 07-08-2006 12:24

I'd say it's Eupodes, but you proabbly will not be able to ID to species level from a photo. They are hard enough with a specimen and microscope!