Thread subject: :: Accidentally Photographed a Second Species

Posted by Stephen on 04-08-2006 11:25

I am thinking the large fly is Milesia virginiensis? A convincing wasp mimic.

I didn't notice the other fly (in flight) until I looked at the pictures later. Any ideas about its ID?

The flower is Button Bush. At the edge of a large pond, 20 July 2006. West Virginia USA.

I'll add another view of the Syrphid in a moment.

Posted by Stephen on 04-08-2006 11:26

Second view.

Posted by conopid on 04-08-2006 12:09

The small fly looks like it could be a small bee - long antenna. Lovely photos.:o

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-08-2006 13:03

I agree that this is Milesia virginiensis. The other North American species are quite distinct.
And I think Nigel's right about the bee. It's certainly not a fly, and I can't make it into anytying else! :)