Thread subject: :: Sphaerocera curvipes - Romania

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 05-02-2010 15:32

date: 5.02.2010
lenght: 5 mm

I found this fly sitting in my garden on compost.

I will return with better photos.

Edited by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 16-02-2011 20:52

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 05-02-2010 15:34

another view

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-02-2010 15:37

Sphaerocera, Sphaerocerida.

Edited by Paul Beuk on 05-02-2010 15:38

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 05-02-2010 15:50

What image need for a better determination ? It is possible without the specimen ?

Thanks for help. This site is great for learning about flyes :D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-02-2010 17:00

Cannot tell off-hand. I have no idea how many species there are in the area, nor about any keys. The only key I think I have is the one to the British species. I'd need to check. You can always send the specimen. ;)

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 05-02-2010 19:40

Fortunately, i have a specimen preserved in alcohol, but I want to sent when I have more species waiting for an ID.

Of course, if you agree this :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-02-2010 21:06

No problemo

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 06-02-2010 08:25

Thanks !:D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-02-2011 17:32

Identity confirmed as Sphaerocera curvipes. A female specimen is conserved at the Maastricht Museum (NHMM). Three males and three females collected a week later ar also deposited there. Perhaps there are more to follow...

Posted by Alexandru Pintilioaie on 16-02-2011 20:48

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the name, surely you will find more specimens, also I think I have collected another Sphaerocera species, but much smaller (~ 3 mm I think), in the same place.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-02-2011 21:02

That was Ischiolepta pusilla.