Thread subject: :: Merodon

Posted by Pia on 04-02-2010 18:45


Fly about 15 mm. For me she looks like Merdon.
Thanks for help.

Switzerland, Zurich, botan. Garden, 550 msm, 6 mai 2009

Edited by Pia on 06-02-2010 07:45

Posted by Pia on 04-02-2010 18:46

Foto 2

Posted by Andre on 05-02-2010 22:40

Yes, and probably equestris. Very nice pics!

Posted by Pia on 06-02-2010 07:47

Andre, many thanks,

Posted by Maddin on 14-02-2010 00:33

Look at the spines on the hind legs and trochanter, this is either M ruficornis or M armipes....

Posted by Pia on 14-02-2010 09:05

Now I see it (Van Veen). Better view of the hind legs would be helpful.
I hope for next season.
Thank you, Martin.
Best regard,

Posted by Andre on 14-02-2010 16:19

I should look better! Shame on me :(

Posted by Pia on 15-02-2010 08:53

no, no, Andre - as much you've helped me.

Posted by Andre on 15-02-2010 20:36

I wasn't sure of my ID, but should then have checked better. And I should study more on Merodon! So if you collect it next time... ;)