Thread subject: :: what fly

Posted by amaira on 01-02-2010 15:50

Picture taken 11 june 2009, on mistletoe. Itīs about 10 mm including the wings that are rather long.
Fron Stockholm Sweden.

Posted by amaira on 01-02-2010 15:51

One more picture.

Posted by amaira on 01-02-2010 15:51

And a last one.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-02-2010 17:04

Venturing onto thin ice: Suillia dumicola. Andzrej probably will laugh his *ss off. ;)

Posted by amaira on 02-02-2010 13:29

"A good laugh is lengthening life", we say in Sweden ;) But I say Thankyou Paul.

Posted by Andrzej on 02-02-2010 14:07

I suggest S. bicolor than S. dumicola (because the costal speines are very very short). The dorsal part of scutellum is not well visible !
Did you make a better pics ?
Andrzej :|

Edited by Andrzej on 02-02-2010 14:10

Posted by amaira on 03-02-2010 16:28

Thankyou Andrzej! Sorry, I donīt have other photos on this one. At least I now know itīs a suillia sp.