Thread subject: :: Meromyza sp

Posted by crex on 01-08-2006 23:36

From today just north of Stockholm, Sweden. A rather small fly, aprox 4-5 mm I think.

Edit: Subject changed (Unknown diptera)

Edited by crex on 02-08-2006 08:54

Posted by Steve Pelikan on 02-08-2006 04:49

A Chloropid, it seems. A good clue it the rather large ocellar triangle.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 02-08-2006 07:55

Looks rather like a Meromyza species - very difficult to identify females. :(

Posted by crex on 02-08-2006 08:55

Thank you Steve and Tony!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-08-2006 23:34


I have just found a rather similar fly here in Germany today. It was only 3 mm long. Is this also Meromyza? Thanks!