Thread subject: :: Rhamphomyia cinerascens?

Posted by blowave on 15-01-2010 19:55


The one which is called R. subcinerascens here, but is the same.;) Is this correct?

Taken on 9th May 2009, my garden near Lincoln UK. I have it marked as 6mm long.

2 pics


Posted by blowave on 15-01-2010 19:55

pic 2

Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-01-2010 20:36

Certainly not (sub)cinerascens as the anal lobe is not darkened. Too few details visible for anything other than Rhamphomyia s.str.

Posted by blowave on 15-01-2010 21:09

We have 14 Rhamphomyia listed for the UK.

R. albosegmentata, ignobilis, laevipes, morio, nitidula, plumipes, spinipes, stigmosa, cinerascens, sulcata, sulcatella, sulcatina, tibialis, vesiculosa.

Do any of the others have this coloured wings?

I don't know what the 's.str' stands for in Rhamphomyia s.str;)

Posted by Stephen R on 15-01-2010 21:35

s.str. = sensu stricto, in the strict (narrow) sense.
s.l. = sensu lato, in the broad sense.

Used when a taxon (in this case the genus Rhamphomyia) has been split up into smaller units, one of which retains the name that used to cover the whole group.


Edited by Stephen R on 15-01-2010 21:41

Posted by blowave on 15-01-2010 22:54

Thanks for the explanation Stephen, I should have realised it was sensu stricto but still probably needed a good explanation on how it related to diptera.;)

Could this be Rhamphomyia sulcata? I guess the answer to that is yes, but it could also be something else or Paul would have said so.:P

Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-01-2010 01:09

You are correct in your assumption that it also could be another one.