Thread subject: :: Scathopahgidae Nanna sp.?

Posted by blowave on 07-01-2010 20:28

Taken on 9th August 2009, on my neighbour's marqee near Lincoln UK. One pic only but I have cropped off the head so posting two.


Edited by blowave on 09-01-2010 01:54

Posted by blowave on 07-01-2010 20:28


Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-01-2010 09:38

Scathopahgidae. Nanna perhaps?

Posted by blowave on 09-01-2010 01:54

If it is Nanna, we have 7 species listed. N. armillata, brevifrons, fasciata, multisetosa, tibiella, flavipes and inermis. The last two are in the Gallery and I don't think look like mine although the legs on N. flavipes look to match.

I'll change the title and hope someone can give it a name.;)

Posted by Cranefly on 09-01-2010 10:21

Try to check the key. Nanna has 2 setae on scutellum, and this fly has 4.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-01-2010 10:36

It was just a suggestion. I did not have a key at hand, so...

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 09-01-2010 10:46

I think it is Trichopalpus (=Chaetosa) punctipes, but I can't be sure without a lateral view.

Posted by blowave on 10-01-2010 00:10

Stephane Lebrun wrote:
I think it is Trichopalpus (=Chaetosa) punctipes, but I can't be sure without a lateral view.

Thank you Stephane, if you are sure it is a Chaetosa sp. then we only the ones species listed for the UK, C. punctipes.

I checked Trichopalpus, we only have one species of that which is Trichopalpus fraternus

Both have a synonym or previous genus of Cordylura.

This might all be outdated, so where does that leave us?;)

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 10-01-2010 13:27

Chaetosa punctipes is a synonym of Trichopalpus punctipes, and I am not sure of the genus.

Posted by blowave on 10-01-2010 17:06

I have checked on ITIS, as well as Biolib, there appears to be only one species of Chaetosa, which is C. punctipes.


GBIF shows it in my area,


The NBN shows it either side of me but it's never up to date or is under-recorded.


The synonym there is also Cordylura punctipes

The only reference I found for Trichopalpus punctipes was on a Norwegian document, neither ITIS or Species 2000 recognises it.

BUT there is a fly named Trichopalpus punctipes in the Gallery, and I have found the source of the name on a google, from an old thread here! It is from Gorodkov's key in Insecta of European part of USSR, 1970, vol.5, part2.



Does the current taxonomic information make this name incorrect?