Thread subject: :: Muscid #1 to ID

Posted by Roger Thomason on 07-01-2010 11:57

Seen in the garden this summer (seems like a long time ago). ID?

Posted by Stephen R on 07-01-2010 12:00

Muscina levida?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 07-01-2010 19:24

Don't know :|. Seems to have a red/yellow tip on scutellum which M.levida has. Muscids are a bit of a black art to me :|.

Roger the Unsure.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 07-01-2010 19:27

Posted by Stephen R on 07-01-2010 19:35

Unsureness is a very respectable condition :D The shape of the veins at the tip of the wing is what gave me the idea.


Edited by Stephen R on 07-01-2010 19:38

Posted by Roger Thomason on 07-01-2010 19:51

Yes, but Myospila meditabunda have the same shape, but I don't think it is that one...I hope.

Roger the Unsure

Posted by Stephen R on 07-01-2010 19:55

Let's hope someone comes along;)

Posted by javanerkelens on 08-01-2010 00:24

Frontal vitta to broad for Muscina.
I also think Myospila.
But if it is M.meditabunda....?
