Thread subject: :: Anthomyiid Leucophora grisella?

Posted by blowave on 03-01-2010 18:47


One pic only but I have cropped the head end off so posting 2 pics. On 1st May 2009, on a brick at base of my garage. Near Lincoln UK.


Posted by blowave on 03-01-2010 18:47


Posted by javanerkelens on 03-01-2010 20:00

It seems to have no hairs on notopleural depression, but maybe the are to fine to see...prealar strong
Arista seems bare, midtibia with av and a ventral seta
But frontals are all fine.....
And we can't see if the prosternum is haired..or if there are interfrontals present..
And i don't have many species to compare with...
Leucophora personata / sericea...?


Posted by blowave on 03-01-2010 20:30

Thanks Joke, at least I was somewhere near;)

For now, unless someone can say more I will call it Leucophora personata / sericea:)

Posted by Michael Ackland on 05-01-2010 22:43

I think it is more likely to be Leucophora obtusa, but can't really see the critical characters.

Posted by blowave on 05-01-2010 23:05

Thank you Michael, I will give it a 'cf.':)