Thread subject: :: Unknown fly

Posted by nielsyese on 29-12-2009 21:49

I've no idea of a family or whatever so every suggestion is welcome:) This little fly (2,2 mm) I found in the Netherlands. It has dusky wings with white markings.

Posted by nielsyese on 29-12-2009 21:49

Sorry for the bad pictures.

Posted by nielsyese on 29-12-2009 21:50

And the last picture

Posted by Andrzej on 29-12-2009 22:27

Ephydridae :)

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 29-12-2009 22:53

I think it is a Scatophila sp.

Posted by nielsyese on 30-12-2009 07:56

Thanks both. How can I identify it to species level? I collected the fly and I've binoculars if that's required. I see there occur eight species over here.
(caviceps, cribrata, despecta, mesogramma, noctula, quadriguttata, signata and unicornis)

Edited by nielsyese on 30-12-2009 08:03

Posted by KWQ on 30-12-2009 10:16

In my opinion this genus Scatophila easily belongs to the TOP HORROR 10-list of all fly generas. A most difficult one, with Zatwarnicki's revisionary article you can make some progress, but it remains difficult even though there might be some characteristic species (I tend to find only these noctula-candidates).