Thread subject: :: Calliphorid? female.

Posted by blowave on 29-12-2009 20:07


Not sure where this belongs. Taken on 16th May 2009, my garden near Lincoln UK.

3 pics.


Posted by blowave on 29-12-2009 20:08

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 29-12-2009 20:08

pic 3

Posted by Jaakko on 29-12-2009 21:10

First impression: Melinda gentilis, with a grain of salt (or more). I'm not very good in these.

Posted by blowave on 29-12-2009 21:34

Jaakko wrote:
First impression: Melinda gentilis, with a grain of salt (or more). I'm not very good in these.

Thanks for the direction Jaakko, we have two Melinda species here, the other being M. viridicyanea. Perhaps the bue-green tint would make this more likely to be this one?:) There are no females in the Gallery so if it could be confirmed I can add it.:)

Posted by blowave on 29-12-2009 21:45

I just realised there is a female of Melinda viridicyanea in the gallery, separated from the male by another species for some reason. It's a much brighter blue colour so maybe I am wrong there.;)