Thread subject: :: Sarcophagid? Copula

Posted by blowave on 26-12-2009 17:35


This pair were quite small, no more than 4mm I think. Not sure where they belong. I got two pics before they flew off still together, my presence was not wanted. ;)

Taken on 12th June 2009 in my garden near Lincoln UK. I have cropped the male and female faces separately for a closer view so have 4 pics. Hoping enough is visible.


Edited by blowave on 26-12-2009 23:56

Posted by blowave on 26-12-2009 17:37

I have a notice again with no new thread allowed so can't post more pics yet! This was my first new post today, honest!:|

Posted by Zeegers on 26-12-2009 17:44

Doesn't strike me as Tachinid, more likely Sarcophagidae


Posted by blowave on 26-12-2009 17:52

OK, thanks Theo, I did wonder but it's again not a typical Sarcophag. I guess I don't need to post more pics then.;)

Posted by Zeegers on 26-12-2009 22:28

You are most welcome to post what you like,

I'm not into Sarcs, so I can't help in that department.


Posted by blowave on 26-12-2009 23:59

Well, I figured Sarcophagids are not that well known, but as I started I may as well post close ups of the faces but will leave the other shot out as it probably won't be of more help.:) Here's hoping I don't get bumped out again;)

Males face..

Posted by blowave on 27-12-2009 00:00

Female face (I changed the title too!)

Posted by ChrisR on 27-12-2009 00:04

The problem is that sarcos are identified primarily on the bristles on the thorax & abdomen and the male genitalia :)

Posted by blowave on 27-12-2009 00:20

The other pic I have is a little more from above, but I don't think shows the bristles on the thorax any better, didn't manage to get the abdomen. :P