Thread subject: :: Soldier fly

Posted by Gordon Jar on 29-07-2006 20:53

Seeing as I am on a roll of 2 id's I'll go for a 3rd.:)

The attached was photographed in my garden in East Sussex, South East England on 11/07/06.

I thought it might be a 'Beris Sp. possibly B. chalybata'



Posted by Tony Irwin on 29-07-2006 22:08

Close, but not correct. :(
In Beris the hind tibiae are narrower than the hind basitarsis, and the scutellum usually has six hairy spines.
In Chorisops, the hind tibiae are dilated, and it only has four nearly bald spines. There are two species - tibialis and nagatomii. C.tibialis has a black frons and little in the way of yellow on the thorax. C.nagatomii has obviously yellow humeri (shoulders) and posterior calli (hind corners), and a green frons. So this looks like tibialis - a male I think.

Posted by Gordon Jar on 29-07-2006 22:52

Oh dear thats end of my run. :(

Thanks very much Tony.
