Thread subject: :: long legged doli

Posted by conopid on 29-07-2006 15:48

This doli looks very distinctive - any guesses?

Posted by conopid on 29-07-2006 15:49

here is the wing

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-07-2006 16:57

Hi Nigel.
It is Hydrophorus.

Posted by David Gibbs on 29-07-2006 17:18

Scellus notatus (Fabricius, 1781)

Posted by Kahis on 29-07-2006 17:19

Scellus notatus. The genus is next to Hydrophorus in the systematic order, so don't worry, Nikita, you are on the right track. ;)

Posted by conopid on 29-07-2006 18:50

Brilliant - thanks.