Thread subject: :: Musca domestica?

Posted by alessiodileo on 28-07-2006 13:51

Found in my iguana's terrary, 6 mm long.

Posted by alessiodileo on 28-07-2006 13:53

With a gnat ...

Posted by alessiodileo on 28-07-2006 13:53

Another ...

Bye :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-07-2006 13:54

Certainly not Musca domestica, as that species is not predatory. I leave putting a numae on to someone else. ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-08-2006 08:04

As far as I can understand it is fly from genus Coenosia, Muscidae.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-08-2006 12:21

I agree with Nikita. It's Coenosia, possibly rufipalpis.

Posted by alessiodileo on 04-08-2006 19:09

Thank you very much! :)