Thread subject: :: Lejogaster metallina ?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2009 10:26

I was photographing the moth (Mompha locupletella) when this little Syrphid landed next to it. I thought it was another, Melanogaster hirtella but I think it may be L.metallina.
Anyone confirm??

Posted by blowave on 19-12-2009 16:56


Look at mine, Riponnensia splendens I think.;)


Edited by blowave on 19-12-2009 16:56

Posted by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2009 21:35

Hi Janet
Sorry, not convinced it's the same...Antennae are larger and black on mine. And there is only one dubious recording of R.splendens in Shetland, 24 years ago.
L metallina is a native species here (although this would be my first sighting if correct).


Posted by blowave on 19-12-2009 21:54

Hi Roger, only a suggestion as I thought mine was L metallina too.;) I had read something about the face somewhere, not sure but it might be more protruding on L. metallina.

Without closer shots it's difficult to tell, but I can't see the pale stripes on yours either. I have a feeling you won't get an ID for this, no-one gave me one for mine :P

Posted by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2009 22:18

Hi Janet
All suggestions are gratefully received ;).
I was looking at the similar threads section below and think my one is more like the one headlined as; Lejogaster sp., which was posted by Robert Heemskerk. His pics were a lot better than this one and he didn't get a reply either :| We live in hope.
I notice Gerard was here earlier...then shot off (nappies I suppose)..:D.might come back with a response. Andre is probably down the pub..B)


Edited by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2009 22:19

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 19-12-2009 22:38

Hey Rogaldine, you hit the nail on the head so to speak, indeed the little one started complaining when I logged in earlier... Your animal is indeed a Lejogaster metallina female, no doubt about that! Compare with mine from a few years ago:

Posted by Roger Thomason on 20-12-2009 00:15

Good man Geraldine
Bit of a result on two more threads through this one.
Thanks for coming out from under the nappie pile...Brownie Points surely due....;)

Roggie (what kind of a name is that)

Posted by blowave on 20-12-2009 01:51

Great team work! ;) Now Roggie, you can probably see the confusion as the thread I had linked to had both species!:P