Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae > Lasiomma cf anthomyinum / strigilatum female [congratulations J van E]

Posted by Stephen R on 18-12-2009 20:19

Here's another challenge for Joke - or any other masochists out there;) Clitheroe UK December 17.

It has black palpi and bare aristae (confirmed in other photos)

Edited by Stephen R on 21-12-2009 22:53

Posted by Stephen R on 18-12-2009 20:21


Posted by Stephen R on 18-12-2009 20:23

wing etc:

Posted by Stephen R on 18-12-2009 20:25

and here is a lateral view from a different fly which I think may be the same species - this one from today.

Edited by Stephen R on 18-12-2009 20:27

Posted by javanerkelens on 19-12-2009 19:22

The combination of : Frontal vitta black+ 2 strong rows of acrostichals+arista not haired+ thorax strong striped 2+2 katepisternals + calypters same lenght (lower one bit longer) ..............make me say, Lasiomma sp.
(On the first photo, eyes seems to be hairy, but to unsertain to say, it is...)

But you know it already by is a female, so notting is for sure :D

Joke van Erkelens

Edited by javanerkelens on 19-12-2009 19:28

Posted by Stephen R on 20-12-2009 13:24

Thanks again Joke :) Diptera have been a great lesson for me in living with uncertainty! I hadn't noticed the hairs on the eye; I think there may be something there, but very short and sparse. I'll look through my pics of similar flies at higher resolution.

Posted by Stephen R on 21-12-2009 20:06

Here are the eyes at full resolution: hairy as predicted :)

Edited by Stephen R on 21-12-2009 20:21

Posted by javanerkelens on 21-12-2009 20:54

Pfffff....lucky me:D
Midtibia seems to have 2pd
Arista not good visible if it is very short haired or almost bare .
I would say unsertain (it is still a female) ...L.anthomyinum / strigilatum....


Edited by javanerkelens on 21-12-2009 20:54

Posted by Stephen R on 21-12-2009 21:37

I didn't think the Anthomyiidologists' Union Rules allowed females to be pursued beyond genus level :o None of my pictures seem to show any hairs on the arista - but it's hard to prove a negative! Here's another one from November:

Posted by javanerkelens on 21-12-2009 22:04

Many females of Anthomyiidae are very simular to each other !
To be surtain you have to collect male and female together.
For most female Anthomyiidae a genus level is very nice!
In this case....very short haired (L.anthomyinum) means ....the longest hairs have the thickness of the base of the arista
And.....can we be sure it is almost bare or very short haired....I can't tell
L.anthomyinum / strigilatum is very nice for a female Anthomyiidae

Next time.....just a male :D

Posted by Stephen R on 21-12-2009 22:51

Thank you Joke, you can have December 25th free ;) But now that I know that you can get so far with female Anthomyiidae, it seems unsporting to give you a mere male :D

Merry Christmas!
