Thread subject: :: Phasia hemiptera

Posted by Gordon Jar on 26-07-2006 19:26

Hope this makes up for the poor quality of the last pics.:(

The attached was taken on 26/07/06 in East Sussex, South South East England.

I hope to get one right this time :)



Posted by ChrisR on 26-07-2006 20:13

Phasia hemiptera (male) - nice photo :) The females are much less dramatic, being slightly smaller, drabber and without the bowed, patterned wings. The species seems to be getting much commoner in recent years, along with many other phasiines.

As you are close to the south coast keep looking out for Ectophasia crassipennis - it is common in mainland Europe and made it to the Channel Isles in the late 1990s so one might predict it should jump to mainland England any time soon :)

Posted by Gordon Jar on 26-07-2006 22:03

Thanks for that Chris. I'll go out and celebrate now.

Regards Gordon