Thread subject: :: Female Fly

Posted by Roger Thomason on 03-12-2009 22:50

Anon. looking fly heading for the recycle bin...ID before it goes?

Edited by Roger Thomason on 03-12-2009 22:51

Posted by javanerkelens on 03-12-2009 23:16

If I'm not mistaken, here we could have a female of Azelia
It looks very simular to my A.triquetra i have (spots on abdomen and 1-2 av on hindtibia, but need to see the acrostichals to be sure.....

Joke van Erkelens :)

Posted by Stephen R on 03-12-2009 23:44

:( Wouldn't know one if I found it in my soup! No wonder I've never seen one :@

Posted by Roger Thomason on 03-12-2009 23:56

javanerkelens wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, here we could have a female of Azelia
It looks very simular to my A.triquetra i have (spots on abdomen and 1-2 av on hindtibia, but need to see the acrostichals to be sure.....

Joke van Erkelens :)

Sorry Joke, can't help you with that, but the next fly photographed was a male Azelia, going by the No's. Plus another pic. of female FWIW.

Edited by Roger Thomason on 04-12-2009 00:02

Posted by javanerkelens on 04-12-2009 00:26

I don't see rows of setea on the hindtibia, and pitty we can't see if foretarsen have preapical spines (not sharp enough)
Feeling is A.triquetra male and female, but feelings are not enough..:D
Maybe Stephane or Nikita could say more.....


Edited by javanerkelens on 04-12-2009 00:27

Posted by Roger Thomason on 04-12-2009 01:11

Hi Joke...
Bit of a saga this...I think this might be a female again...if it is I have a few more pics.

Posted by javanerkelens on 04-12-2009 16:51

At first: I put a warning signal on my computer, when you place a new thread.
WARNING....poor looking females are coming....WARNING

Second: I will give another try....just for you (saw your photo on the scoutbox and feel pity for you..):o

Proclinate orbital seta
Acrostichals before suture biserial , behind it with few small setulae between the rows
Just visible seta on midtibia.

Azelia sp for sure.
But species....I don't dare with these photos.

Joke :D

Posted by Roger Thomason on 04-12-2009 22:53

javanerkelens wrote:
At first: I put a warning signal on my computer, when you place a new thread.
WARNING....poor looking females are coming....WARNING
Second: I will give another try....just for you (saw your photo on the scoutbox and feel pity for you..):o
Azelia sp for sure.
Joke :D

Dear Ms van Erkelens
Can I assume by the tone of your reply that you got out of bed...A. On the wrong side...or B. With a hangover again...or C. You have the Painters in.
Remind me to check the Periodic Tables next time I post a Female Fly on here again.
The part about "poor looking females coming" I will pass on, you must be mixing this up with some Adult Site you have been visiting, I don't wish to delve into what you get up to with your TeleFunken U47 in private. (Even Anal Jerks, nice Anagram of your name :P)
I thought the photo of my wife looked OK in Shoutbox, I haven't seen the Scoutbox Version.
I shall pass your message of pity on to her...that should cheer her up no end. :|

Organsmoother :D

Edited by Roger Thomason on 04-12-2009 22:55