Thread subject: :: Azelia nebulosa female, male?

Posted by blowave on 02-12-2009 23:38


Taken on 22nd October 2009 on Ivy flowers. Not sure of size but around 5mm at a guess. It has strange black hairy 'things' on it's tongue, not sure what it's called.;)

A few miles south of Lincoln UK.

3 pics, I have cropped the head view closer. Any help appreciated.


Edited by blowave on 04-12-2009 00:11

Posted by blowave on 02-12-2009 23:39

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 02-12-2009 23:39

Head crop

Posted by Jan Willem on 03-12-2009 00:22

Looks more like a small calyptrate fly to me.

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 15:31

Thank you for the suggestion Jan, I am no expert and had looked in a few familes but was still puzzled until I saw one similar in Drosophilidae.

I still couldn't get away from that family, so searched in google and found Drosophila hydei, a male and the halteres are not yellow but it does look very much like it.


These are cultured for exotic pet food :o


What do you think? If we could say for sure that it is this we have no entries in the Gallery so would make a good addition. Looks good to me but as said, I'm not an expert. ;)

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 15:48


I see how difficult this could be! I found a page full of Drosophilidae, unless there is only one which has the yellow halteres. I think it is likely to be a Drosophila sp. though, there's a couple there I looked at which seem to have a similar mouth part.

Of course this is in Texas, and I don't know how many we have here but I imagine it' quite a lot.:(

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-12-2009 16:34

This certainly is not Drosophilidae. Jan Willem is right and it might be Anthomyidae.

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:10

I agree it isn't Drosophilidae, thanks!

I saw another post of a Muscidae, Azelia nebulosa and I have had the male which also has yellow halteres! Could this be the female?

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:37

I've changed the subject heading and uploading a tail view of the female as well as some pics of the male which was about 3mm long.

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:37

Male pic 1

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:38

Male pic 2

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:38

Male pic 3

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:39

Male pic 4

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2009 18:40

Male pic 5

Posted by javanerkelens on 03-12-2009 20:45

The female will be difficult to say, maybe if you have a dorsal view of the thorax, so i can see the acrostichals.
On the last photos of the male ,hindtibia with long rows of setae (not good visible) and no ad on should be A.nebulosa, but not 100% sure.


Posted by Stephen R on 03-12-2009 22:37

I can't see much resemblance between the first fly and Azelia, but it made me wonder why I don't remember seeing a female Azelia, or a picture of one. (I've just been through the Forum archive, but I might have missed something.)
Are they less distinctive, or more secretive? Can anyone post one for the Gallery?

Posted by blowave on 04-12-2009 00:10

Sorry Joke, I didn't get a dorsal shot of the female as she disappeared and by the angle I took the pic she must have been fairly high up.

Yes Stephen, she must be secretive or shy as she didn't stay around for more pics.;)

The face does look very similar to me, the only pics I have found of a female are on this link, two pics and one with a rear shot showing the same little things on the tail end whatever they are but mine doesn't have any spots visible. I will have to check what Azelia species we have here. (got the spelling wrong in the title!)


Posted by javanerkelens on 04-12-2009 00:17

I personally find female of Azelia terrible to do..:D
I think Roger has also one female in his thread:

But as always.....important details are missing:D:D


Edited by javanerkelens on 04-12-2009 00:18

Posted by blowave on 04-12-2009 01:35

Oooh, such a shame you find females difficult ;)

We need a few more females for the gallery, so if anyone is able to master this female I would like to put it in the Gallery for all to make it easier in the future.;)

Posted by Roger Thomason on 04-12-2009 02:17

javanerkelens wrote:
I personally find female of Azelia terrible to do..:D
I think Roger has also one female in his thread:
But as always.....important details are missing:D:D

Missing important details is a hard-earned skill..:P....which took a long time to master.....also the reason MY pics were heading for the recycle bin. Just thought I would give them a punt to wind-up Joke...AGAIN...:D
It has been a success....;)