Thread subject: :: Unknown Diptera

Posted by Segin on 30-11-2009 21:46

I found this insect in a forest in Switzerland on July, 25. The size of the insect is about 8 mm.
Is it possible to identify this insect from this perspective.
Thanks a lot.


Posted by brundlefly on 30-11-2009 21:47


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 30-11-2009 21:54

Syrphidae indeed, Paragus sp.

Posted by Andre on 02-12-2009 13:52

Interesting specimen... not collected I guess?

Posted by Segin on 03-12-2009 22:01

No, just photographed.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 04-12-2009 00:20

Female Paragus albifrons/ pecchiolii, not distinguishable from each other...