Thread subject: :: Unknown Diptera

Posted by Ingrid Altmann on 30-11-2009 16:42

I´m new here and in the matter of Diptera I´m a layman but I would like to know what this is.
I found the very small animal in an wetland near Furth im Wald, Bavaria, Germany (15.5.06).

Best regards

Edited by Ingrid Altmann on 30-11-2009 16:43

Posted by phil withers on 30-11-2009 18:14

Molophilus ater

Posted by pwalter on 30-11-2009 18:44

Hi Ingrid, welcome to forum. Your insect, by the way is a Limoniid crane fly, lives near water. Other limoniids are usually much bigger.

Posted by Ingrid Altmann on 01-12-2009 11:21

thank you very much for the fast determination!
I hope, I can still attach a question!!??
Is this a Limoniid crane fly too? I fotographed it near a pond (Furth im Wald, Bavaria) on 2005-05-01.


Edited by Ingrid Altmann on 01-12-2009 11:22

Posted by Ingrid Altmann on 01-12-2009 11:24

Another picture

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-12-2009 11:27

Penthetria funebris, Pleciidae

Posted by Ingrid Altmann on 01-12-2009 13:43

Paul Beuk schrieb:
Penthetria funebris , Pleciidae

Oh dear - yes I can see - the both flies are totally different!

Thank you Paul!

Edited by Paul Beuk on 01-12-2009 14:31