Thread subject: :: Fly mimicking ichneumon wasp

Posted by kyl on 30-11-2009 06:01


Here's a fly that mimics an ichneumon..

Brackish swamp. lowlands, malaysia.
It waves its front legs like a micropezidae...
is it a micropezid?



Posted by Stephen R on 30-11-2009 12:45

What a beauty! I don't know what it is, but I think the leg-waving is part of the mimicry, representing the wasp's antennae.

Posted by John Smit on 30-11-2009 15:08

Adrama determinata Tephritidae


Posted by Gordon on 30-11-2009 15:47

Very pretty fly. thanks for posting it.

Posted by pwalter on 30-11-2009 16:52

Absolutely gallery-worthy :)

Posted by kyl on 30-11-2009 17:45

Thank you, Gordon, for the ID. And thanks everyone for the comments. It's pretty indeed:)
will post it in the forum.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-11-2009 17:54

kyl wrote:
Thank you, Gordon, for the ID. And thanks everyone for the comments. It's pretty indeed:)
will post it in the forum.


I don't want to be nit-picking, but I guess Gordon -> John and forum -> Gallery?

Posted by kyl on 01-12-2009 04:49

sorry, i meant ,
thanks ,John, for the ID!

Posted by kyl on 01-12-2009 04:52

Hi Paul,
should i go ahead and post it in the gallery?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-12-2009 08:02

Of course!