Thread subject: :: Tachinidae

Posted by neprisikiski on 29-11-2009 20:35

Hello again,
I am curious in differences between Cleonice callida (Meigen) and recently described C. keteli Ziegler in females. I suppose that my attached is C. callida. Thanks in advance.

Posted by Jaakko on 30-11-2009 15:41


As with the other posts, some (lateral) general view of the fly would be great.

Posted by neprisikiski on 30-11-2009 18:09

sorry Jaakko, here it is..

Posted by Jaakko on 30-11-2009 19:58

I leave this to Theo...

Edited by Jaakko on 30-11-2009 19:59

Posted by Zeegers on 01-12-2009 23:04

Need to come back on this one, it is now too late


Posted by Zeegers on 03-12-2009 22:24

HI Erikas

As you know, keteli has been described from males only.
There are some features that might be relevant for females as well:

Wing usually with 1-3 setulae on vein R4+5 both on and below the wing, lenghth 8 mm --> callida

wing vein R4+5 without setulae, length 5-6 mm.

If you want, I can ask the author



Posted by neprisikiski on 04-12-2009 00:36

Well Theo,
The female is 7 mm long, though I didnt find any setule on vein R4+5 both on and below, probably length is not so important? It would be nice, if Joachim Ziegler helped us. Thank you.

Edited by neprisikiski on 13-12-2009 23:39

Posted by Zeegers on 04-12-2009 19:32

I will ask Joachim


Posted by Zeegers on 13-12-2009 21:40

Ziegler wrote the following in an email

"The description of the females of Cleonice callida is given on page 209. The females are smaller than the males (5,2-8,5 mm in body length). The frons is 0.98-1.12 times as wide as an eye in dorsal view. Height of gena 0.25-0.35 times vertical diameter of eye when head is viewed in profile. Small eye diameter 1.56-2.13 times as wide as fronto-orbital plate at level of middle of scape, when seen in profile. The number of setulae on basal R4+5 is variable (0-4). If the specimen fit well with this characters, it is most probably Cleonice callida.
Unfortunately, the females of C. keteli are still unknown by me. Perhaps the few female specimens with the frons 1.22-1.46 times as wide as an eye in dorsal view are this species. "


Posted by neprisikiski on 13-12-2009 23:09

Dear Theo,
Thanks for sharing the information!
Width of frons in my specimen is scarcely wider than an eye. It is more probably callida then, though setulae on basal R4+5 are absent..

Edited by neprisikiski on 13-12-2009 23:37

Posted by Zeegers on 14-12-2009 20:33

Well, we can thank Joachim Ziegler, I'm just the mailman.
